Monday, December 4, 2006

Adult Dog Training - 3 Ways to stop Jumping Up

Adult Dog Training - 3 Ways to stop Jumping Up

So you've been given or have aquired somehow, an adult dog.
Often a big problem can be jumping up.

Dogs are extremely sociable creatures and want to see your face or be where you are.
Jumping can simply be a way to get closer to the face.

There are 3 good ways to stop jumping up that I am going to address;

1. The Preventing Knee

As your dog is just about to jump up, put your knee up to stop them. This makes it uncomfortable for them and teaches them that this is not a good idea.
This is NOT my favourite. I have a large Bullmastiff puppy and when I tried this...well, I have some scars on my legs you wouldn't believe.
Not a practical method for big dogs !

2. The Spray

This method entails having a spray cannister filled with either water or a water / vinegar mix.
It is best to use this with a word such as "
OFF !".
A 5 minute session with this each day may be all your dog needs to associate the unpleasant spray with the word OFF and the fact that these come when he jumps up.
Thos method does work well except on those dogs who literally go balistic when you spray them. My Bullmastiff runs around the house like a crazy dog when she gets sprayed...not good for an almost 100lb dog !

3. The Lead technique

By far my favourite so far.
This one just needs you to put the dogs lead on. Where the lead runs from the neck and touches the ground, step on it (the lead not the dog..). This makes it impossible for the dog to jump.
Remember to praise extensively when your dog doesn't try to jump.

One last word;
Dogs are gamblers. Often if you can carry treats around with you and treat when they have done very well, the dog will remember that this happens and gamble on you having treats !

Good Luck !


Adult Dog Training

Friday, December 1, 2006

Adult Dog Training

Training an Adult Dog.

When I adopted my adult bullmastiff, the RSPCA told me she had no training.

I immediately set about what I thought would be a huge job !
The amazing thing was, Jasmine actually listened to me and learnt very quickly.

I believe the most important thing I learnt in training an adult dog, was to identify their motivation. Whether it is food, playing or your attention, this motivation can be a powerful training tool.

My particular dog had not had a nice background so she craved my attention, most.
The first thing I started with was " Come !"

I allowed her to go off and play on a long leash.
I then called come ! and pulled her towards me. When she came there was huge amounts of praise. When she didn't...I ignored her.
Within 5 minutes she had learned this.

It can be this simple with your adult dog, just spend some time with them first and figure out what they love most !

Want to learn more ? VISIT HERE !

Next time; The Jumping Horror - Teaching your dog not to jump up.


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