Friday, December 1, 2006

Adult Dog Training

Training an Adult Dog.

When I adopted my adult bullmastiff, the RSPCA told me she had no training.

I immediately set about what I thought would be a huge job !
The amazing thing was, Jasmine actually listened to me and learnt very quickly.

I believe the most important thing I learnt in training an adult dog, was to identify their motivation. Whether it is food, playing or your attention, this motivation can be a powerful training tool.

My particular dog had not had a nice background so she craved my attention, most.
The first thing I started with was " Come !"

I allowed her to go off and play on a long leash.
I then called come ! and pulled her towards me. When she came there was huge amounts of praise. When she didn't...I ignored her.
Within 5 minutes she had learned this.

It can be this simple with your adult dog, just spend some time with them first and figure out what they love most !

Want to learn more ? VISIT HERE !

Next time; The Jumping Horror - Teaching your dog not to jump up.


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Blogger Rachel. said...

And if you'd like real dog food advice :D

Dog food 101

December 3, 2006 at 2:48:00 PM PST  

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